Dr. Silke Rohnfelder
Dr. Silke Rohnfelder
- Tel: +49 (0) 6945 0902-18
- Fax: +49 (0) 6945 0902-10
- E-Mail: rohnfelder@bock-legal.de
Field of activity
Bank and capital market liability
Corporate law
D&O and E&O liability
Insolvency administrator and creditors' committee liability
Insurance law
Lawyer and notary liability
Prospectus liability
Foreign Languages
Silke specialises in liability and recourse law. On behalf of various leading professional liability insurers, she represents lawyers, tax advisors, auditors as well as insolvency and forced administrators in the banking department. In addition, she supports managing directors, board members and supervisory board members both in and out of court in the defence of liability claims arising from the board membership.
Silke has in-depth knowledge of commercial and corporate law due to her work in the M&A department of an international commercial law firm. There she focused on cross-border transactions in the banking sector. Silke started working as a lawyer in 2008.
- Probleme der Diskongruenz von Kausalverlauf und Vorsatz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des „misslungenen Rücktritts“, Dissertation, Gießen, 2011
- Anmerkung zu BGH, Urt. v. 11.4.2012 – VIII R 28/09, in: Zeitschrift für Immobilienrecht (ZfIR) 2012, S. 646 ff. (gemeinsam mit Stefan Bank)
- German Association of Women Lawyers (djb)