Dr. Dirk Schmitz

Dr. Dirk Schmitz


Certified Specialist for tax law

Field of activity

Corporate law
D&O and E&O liability
Insurance law
Lawyer and notary liability
Liability of auditors and tax consultants
Tax law

Foreign Languages



Dirk mainly advises clients on corporate and tax law. In addition to specific tax law aspects, he advises various companies on corporate reorganisations.

Furthermore, he is a proven specialist for almost 20 years in the area of liability and recourse law. On the recommendation of well-known insurers, he represents in particular auditors, tax consultants, lawyers, notaries, insolvency administrators and corporate bodies in liability cases. In the case of failed corporate transactions, insolvencies and failed lawsuits, the recourse to consultants, corporate management and administrators is the rule. Due to the differentiated individual case law and the high risks, insurers specifically resort to bock legal, specifically also Dirk.

Legal500 said that Dirk is appreciated for his “comprehensive and always up-to-date knowledge of liability law” and his “quick perception”. The “excellent specialist knowledge” in professional liability law was coupled with “great negotiating skills” and “outstanding forensic abilities” as well as with “a good eye for the economic interests of the clients” (Legal500 2014, insurance law). The handbook Legal500 2017 states “Clients confirm ‘very good experiences’ with Dirk Schmitz”. Legal500 2018 states: “The ‘eloquent’ Dirk Schmitz is praised for his ‘quick grasp of facts’”.

Legal 500 cites the following references in 2022: „Dr. Schmitz: Always good advice, even in unusual cases. Fast and comprehensive assessment, which makes further steps easy to assess.“, „Dr. Dirk Schmitz: Excellent expertise in professional liability law for the professionals, eloquence in speaking and writing, excellent negotiating skills.“, „Dr. Schmitz is technically highly competent. The cooperation is very pleasant both personally and professionally and leads to very good results.

For many years, Dirk has been one of the firm’s lawyers who are “frequently recommended” by JUVE in the area of litigation and advice on insurance law (JUVE Handbook of Commercial Law Firms 2015/2016: “high level of expertise and precision”, competitors). Due to his experience he is “always in demand”.

At leadersleague.com, Dirk was rated “Highly Recommended” in 2022 Litigation and Mediation.

Dirk was selected by The Best Lawyers in Germany in 2022 for his work in Insurance law.

The Handbook “Law Firms in Germany” identified Dirk as “very established” in liability and insurance law.

Before becoming a lawyer, Dirk worked for the German American Chamber of Commerce in Atlanta.



  • Haftungsansprüche von Banken gegen Dritte, Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg, 2011, Mitautor
  • “Regressrisiko Vergleichsschluss – Zu den besonderen anwaltlichen Risiken eines Vergleichsschlusses bei mehreren Schuldnern”, BRAK 2008, S. 256
  • “Haftungsfreistellung des Notars bei konkurrierender Staatshaftung”, in: Versicherungsrecht (VersR), 2008, S. 1049
  • “Auswirkungen der Gewerbesteuerreform”, in: Mittel und Wege 8/2008, S. 20
  • “Provider-Verträge”, in: Wiebe/Leupold, Recht der elektronischen Datenbanken, C. F. Müller Verlag 2003
  • “Vertragsrecht der Datenbankanbieter”, in: Wiebe/Leupold, Recht der elektronischen Datenbanken, C. F. Müller Verlag 2003
  • “UN-Kaufrecht (CISG) und Internet”, in: Zeitschrift Multimedia und Recht (MMR) 2000, S. 256
  • “Vertragliche Haftung bei unentgeltlichem Informationserwerb via Internet”, in: Zeitschrift Multimedia und Recht (MMR) 2000, S. 396
  • “Die vertraglichen Pflichten und die Haftung der Informationsanbieter im Internet”, Nationale und internationale Haftungsgrundlagen, W. Kohlhammer 2000


  • Working group for specialist lawyers for tax law